Saemundur Thor Helgason 
Curriculum vitae


NL +31 (0)618255973
IS +354 7760131


2020 - 2022 PhD equivalent, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, NL.
2013 ­- 2015 MFA fine art at Goldsmiths university, London, UK.
2008 -­ 2012 Fine art department (BA) at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL.
2007­ - 2008 Digital filmmaking at the SAE institute, Amsterdam, NL.


2024 Why is Iceland so poor?, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2021 Solar Plexus Pressure Belt™ G2 - ELKO, Sequences X, Reykjavik, Iceland.
2021 Vapour Products℠_Solar Plexus Pressure Belt™, 3ge3 Project, Shanghai, China.
2020 Emblem, Gh0stspace, online, London, United Kingdom.
2018 Solar Plexus Pressure Belt™, unit 110, New York, United States.
2018 Fellowship of Citizens, arebyte gallery, London, United Kingdom.
2016 ÁVÖXTUN % | Rate of return, Reykjavik Art Museum, Iceland.
2013 Inform, Kunstschlager, Reykjavik, Iceland. 


The Patron Saint of Beekeepers, PuntWG, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Dialogai, Medūza gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Are you still watching..?, baaccuuree, Jeju, South Korea.

Berenstraat Final, Boekie Woekie, Amsterdam, NL.
Margt smátt / Little by little, Harbinger, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Promises, Kunstverein, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Mutating Rights and Emerging Challenges of Living Bodies, Kunsthal NORD, Aalborg, Denmark.
Art Island Amsterdam, Huidenclub, Forteiland Ijmuiden, NL.
WORKABLE, Huidenclub, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

FIFMX2022, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico.
Big DaDa, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Internal Clocks, Culterim Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
RijksOPEN, Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Metaloop – Relentless Dreams, KUÀ,  Changsha, China.
ÚTSALA! SALE!, OPEN, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Rizq رزق the gift shop, When Site Lost the Plot, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
RijksOPEN, Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Andra's Feminization Surgery Angel Fund, Kers Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2020, ROZENSTRAAT – a rose is a rose, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Nýjar birtingarmyndir listarinnar / Art‘s New Representations, Artzine, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Greetings accross the ocean, Nordatlantens Brygge, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Saga Íslands: 1. hluti - Leir og Postulín, OPEN, Reykjavik, Iceland.
'COVID-19 aðgerðapakki: Borgaralaun á Íslandi | Universal Basic Income in Iceland', Cosmos Carl.

Ég hlakka svo til, Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Í alvöru / Really, Sequences Art Festival, Kling & Bang, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Object of Desire, ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts), Singapore, Republic of Singapore.
Communal Healing, Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, Vijfhuizen, The Netherlands.
Monday OFF #1, Shanghai Art Book Fair, Shanghai, China.
Platform Parasite: A Personal Voyage, Banner Repeater, London, United Kingdom.
After a storm comes another storm, Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, Vijfhuizen, The Netherlands.
Anomia #3, WORM, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Nora Hansen | Saemundur Thor Helgason, Lady Helen, London, United Kingdom.

Le Grand Salon de Noël, Ásmundarsalur, Reykjavik, Iceland.   
MYCO-T, 7 Rue de Juvisy, Paris, France. 
Professional Amateur, ABC Klubhuis, Antwerp, Beligum.
I Caught A Rat, We Caught Some Air, Mélange, Art Düsseldorf, Markus Lüttgen, Düsseldorf, DE.
Under Pressure – On Forms of Authority and Decision-Making Power, frei_raum, Q21, Vienna, AT, with HARD-CORE.  
This site is under revolution, Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA), Russia, with Cosmos Carl.
Be like me, TA-DA, Copenhagen, DK, with HARD-CORE. 
Make Art Happen, Safe House, London, United Kingdom.
That Man An, Trampoline Gallery, Antwerp, BE, with HARD-CORE.
Universal Blob (2), Tetem, Enschede, NL, with HARD-CORE.
GOGBOT Cafe, Cinema Obscura, Enschede, NL, with HARD-CORE.    
Professional Amateur, Kling & Bang, Reykjavik, Iceland.  
A guiding dog for blind dog, Centre for Contemporary Art FUTURA, Prague, Czech Republic.
Kindly Supported by you, Cosmos Carl, (online), with HARD-CORE.
Silicon Dreams at Harbinger, Reykjavik, Iceland, with HARD-CORE .

Infinite Diegesis by Andrew Sunderland, Gossamer Fog, London, United Kingdom.

HereAfter: Outcome Project, SPACE Art + Technology, The white Building, London, UK.
Cloud dating in the age of (un)controlled precipitation,, Online.

SuperFetish S/S, curated by Milia Xin BI, Goethe Institut, Beijing, China.
Not in the Berlin Biennale, curated by Babak Radboy, 9th Berlin Biennale, Berlin, Germany.
Dissent as an iPhone App, arebyte gallery, London, United Kingdom.
Don’t Dust, curated by Atlas Economy, Mélange, Köln, DE, with HARD-CORE.
A Hat Trick or a Theory of the Plankton, Podium, Oslo, Norway.
CO-WORKERS – Network as Artist. Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France.

Strictly Digital, Alternativa Art Festival, Gdansk, Poland, with HARD-CORE.
Material Cryptographies, Tenderpixel, London, United Kingdom.
#KOMASVO, ASI museum, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Vanity Fair | Demo Mode, Project Native Informant, London, United Kingdom.
Be_Hacker, Mini Kunst Festival, OT301, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with HARD-CORE

The Limited Collection, Curated by Rózsa Zita Farkas and Valentina Fois, (online).
S7 - ekki á leið, Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Thank You, Jupiter Woods, London, United Kingdom.
Is it art or is it just, Gallery BWA, Zielona Góra, Poland, with HARD-CORE
The Meditative Relaxation Cycle, by Eloise Bonneviot, Arcadia_Missa, London, United Kingdom.

Ikono: On Air Festival, satellite TV, IPTV and web stream.
Logic if you want human if you like, Alpineum Produzentengalerie Luzern, Switzerland, with HARD-CORE
Almost Surely Not What You Want, Boetzelaer|Nispen /Forward (online), with HARD-CORE
Calculated Sustainability without decisions, Sjávarklasinn, Grandagarður 16, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland.
Flamingos and Hedgehogs, Collectief Ondergrond, Oostenburg Middenstraat 150, Amsterdam.

Kunstvlaai 2012: festival of independents, Sint Nicolaas Lyceum, Amsterdam.
Gone to Croatan, Collectief Ondergrond, Vondelbunker, Vondelpark, Amsterdam.
Žinkovy arts festival, Žinkovy, Czech Republic, with HARD-CORE
Ultimate Harmony, Upominki, Rotterdam, the Netherlands , with HARD-CORE
Unfamiliar Parcours, Holland Festival / Frascati Theatre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Just below the surface (degree show), Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Hardcore: Ding-­Mon-­seek, Amstel 41, The Netherlands, with HARD-CORE

Learning to sea, Retort Art Space, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with HARD-CORE
Fat Form, Kraaiennest, Bijlmer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Effe kijken, Basis Buro, Tolstraat. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Whatever forever #3, CEAC (Chinese European art center), Xiamen, China.

Whatever Forever #2, Space for international contemporary art, Xiamen, China.
Whatever Forever #1, Casual locations, Xiamen, China.
Uncut ex­situ 2010, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The sky touches the earth and the earth, CEAC, Xiamen, China.
Watskeburd, Kaffistofa, Hverfisgata, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Final reports, Old pump station, Den Helder, The Netherlands.
Chinese whisper, Tolstraat, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Exploitation/Exaltation, Besant Nagar Beach, Chennai, India.

Amstervik/Reykjadam, Lost Horse gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland.


2024 Hafnarborg Mueum, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
2020 - 2022 Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2017 HereAfter, SPACE Art + Technology, White Building, London, United Kingdom.
2016 FB Residency, online.
2015 Desktop Residency, online.
2014 Jupiter Woods, London, United Kingdom.
2012 Creating a context, Bologna, Italy.
2012 Swedish connection, Härnösand, Sweden.
2011 Gra Tu Delft, Collaboration with Technical University Delft, The Netherlands.
2010 Old pump station, Den Helder, The Netherlands.
2010 India Residency, Kovalam, Chennai (Madras), India.

2024 SPPB™ marathon, Samguri Film, Jeju, South Korea.
2024 Why is Iceland so poor?, artist talk, Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland.
2023 Artist talk, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2018 On how to resist: Public Digital Space, Lecture + panel with Cosmos Carl and Tzvetnik moderated by Barbara Cueto, Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA), Moscow, Russia.
2017  Post-produced exhibitions - Hijacking quality stamps and other CV enhancements, Socratic Dialogue, Moderated by Miguel Harbers, SPACE Art & Technology, The White Building, London, UK.
2016 Technology’s promise to authenticate, HARD-CORE in conversation with Luke Dormehl (GB), Masha Mcconaghy (DE). Moderator: Jazmina Figueroa (US), Impakt Festival 2016, Theater Kikker, Utrecht, NL.
2016 TEXT2SPEECH: Proxy Politics As Withdrawal, ICA, London, UK, with HARD-CORE.
2013    Is it art or is it just #hard­core, (with HARD-CORE, Debora Delmar and Andrew Birk) Het Plafond NL.
2013 Hard­core: workshop for graduating students from Fine art, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, NL.


2022 - 2023, Operation & Purpose, 1st year Fine Arts, Gerrit Rietveld Akademie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2018 Visiting tutor at MFA Fine Arts, Goldsmiths University Art College, London, UK
2015 - 2020, Documentation & Online Presence, 1st year Fine Arts, Gerrit Rietveld Akademie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2013 Hard­core: workshop for graduating students from Fine art, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, NL.


2018 - ongoing  Fellowship of Citizens, an interest group lobbying for basic Income.
2014 - 2024 Cosmos Carl, online exhibition platform:
2011 - 2021 HARD-CORE, algorithmic curating: